〔フクイチ・グローバル核惨事〕◆ IAEA視察チームが日本政府に対し、トリチウム汚染水の処分をどうするか早急に結論を出すように求める! 「あと3、4年でタンク・スペース限界に」◆ 「決定はあくまで日本政府の判断で」と自己責任での決定求める ★ スペースを確保してタンクを増設するか、スーパータンカーに回収・保管すればいいだけのことではないか! 3~4年もあるのだから!
★ 「やる気」でいるようだ! 要警戒である!
〔★は大沼〕 ◎ ジャパン・タイムズ IAEA urges Japan to reach decision soon on handling of radioactive water at crippled Fukushima nuke plant
(14日付)⇒ https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/11/14/national/iaea-urges-japan-make-decision-treated-radioactive-water-crippled-fukushima-nuke-plant/#.W-ynM7knaYl
・ “We advised the Japanese government that … (a) decision should be taken very rapidly for the disposition path for water which is stored in these tanks,” said Christophe Xerri, leader of the 13-member team, on Tuesday following a nine-day review of progress on scrapping the Fukushima No. 1 plant.
・ “Our review was not to advise the Japanese government on one solution or another one,” he added.
“It is up to the Japanese government to decide — in engaging with stakeholders, of course — on the option Japan wants to implement,” he said.
Posted by 大沼安史 at 08:13 午前 | Permalink