〔フクイチ・メガ核惨事 7年目の春に〕◇ 悲嘆にくれる先住民族、ユロク族(Yurok Tribe)の人びと / 北米西海岸、カリフォルニア北部、クラマス川のキングサーモンの遡上、最少・最悪の事態に! / 米商務省、ことし1月、「水産災害」を宣言 / 2年続きの幼魚の病気が原因 / 鮭の売買を自分たちの憲法で禁じ、資源保護に努めてきたユロク族の人びとの心を痛打! ★ 上流のダムの影響も疑われているが、魚道もついている! フクイチ放射能・海洋プルームの影響でなければよいが……。
◎ Yurok Tribe FB (3月25日付け)
⇒ https://www.facebook.com/TheYurokTribe/photos/a.153436974726777.36742.140327912704350/1542536569150137/?type=3&theater
・ In 2016, the Yurok Tribe had no commercial salmon season because there were not enough fish to meet subsistence and ceremonial needs. Selling fish, when there are so few, is antithetical to the Yurok Constitution, which mandates that the Tribe “manage and prudently harvest” salmon from the Klamath River. In January 2017, the US Department of Commerce officially declared the 2016 Yurok fishery a “commercial fishery failure”.
◎ KRCRニュース Yurok Tribe predicts lowest number of salmon in Klamath on record
(3月24日付け)⇒ http://www.krcrtv.com/north-coast-news/yurok-tribe-predicts-lowest-number-of-salmon-in-klamath-on-record/414590594
・ Yurok officials said that the amount Chinook salmon predicted to return to the river in 2017 is around 11,000 fish. This would be the lowest number on record, according to the Yurok Tribe.
“This is a nightmare. I have never in my life dreamed that it could get this bad,” said Thomas P. O’Rourke Sr., Chairman of the Yurok Tribe. “This is devastating to our people, not only physically but emotionally. It’s saddening and hard to believe.”
Yurok Tribe officials said that the 2017 allocation, which is set by the Pacific Fisheries Management Council, will most likely be 650 fish. That equates to one fish for every 10 tribal members.
The tribe explained the cause of the low numbers is largely due to two consecutive juvenile fish disease outbreaks.
◎ ENENEWS “Most catastrophic fisheries collapse in history” expected along West Coast — Official: “This is a nightmare, I have never in my life dreamed that it could get this bad” — Threat of “coast-wide fishing failure”
(3月30日付け)⇒ http://enenews.com/most-catastrophic-fisheries-collapse-in-history-expected-along-west-coast-official-this-is-a-nightmare-i-have-never-in-my-life-dreamed-that-it-could-get-this-bad-threat-o
Posted by 大沼安史 at 03:36 午後 | Permalink