« 〔フクイチ・メガ核惨事 7年目の春に〕◇ 太平洋で、海洋食物連鎖の大規模な壊滅が起きている! たった一年半で、数十もの食物連鎖系が消滅(collapse of several dozen food chains ) 」/ 2億5200万年前の史上最大級の「生物大量絶滅(The Great Dying)」以来の状況 / 鮭(サーモン)、クジラなどの大量死は、氷山の一角 / <Fukushima>も海洋放射能の影響も一因? ★ フクイチ汚染水の垂れ流しが、太平洋の「死の海」化に拍車をかけている? | トップページ | 〔フクイチ・メガ核惨事 7年目の春に〕◇ 今村復興相の暴言に怒り心頭の被災者たち ◆ 「何かというと県は国の意向に沿うと言い、国は県を支援すると言う。そうしておいて支援打ち切りを無理やり進め、被災者を追い込むのが国のやり方です」/ 「復興庁とは除染や公共工事で予算を回すことしか考えていない役所にしか見えてきません」★ 何が「被災者に寄り添う」だ! 死の灰・焼け太りの「アンダーコントロール」官庁の人件費を、避難者支援にまわすべきだ! »


〔フクイチ・メガ核惨事 7年目の春に〕 ◇ チェルノブイリの事故時、ウクライナなど欧州のプルーム通過地域で暮らし、その後、ニューヨークに移り住んだ10人(うち8人はユダヤ人)が、2013年までの4年間に、非常に珍しい(全米でも過去20年間に5例しか症例がない)「眼球癌(網膜硝子体リンパ腫 vitreoretinal lymphoma)」を発症!

 ◇ ニューヨーク・州立大学の遺伝疫学者、ロクサナ・モシュレイさんが2日の全米癌研究学会で報告! 

 ★ フクイチ被曝地のわたしたちも注意が必要だ! 





 ★ この10人のなかには、ポーランドやモルドバで被爆した人も含まれている。





〔★は大沼〕 ◎ Live Science Former Chernobyl Neighbors Diagnosed with Rare Cancer Years Later, in NYC
 (2日付け)⇒ http://www.livescience.com/58503-rare-cancer-in-new-yorkers-linked-to-chernobyl-exposure.html#sthash.P8jQLhfh.uxfs 

 Vitreoretinal lymphoma is a type of eye cancer that affects white blood cells in the retina, the optic nerve or the vitreous humor (the gel-like substance found inside the eye), said Roxana Moslehi, a genetic epidemiologist at the University at Albany, State University of New York, and the senior author of the study on the New York cases. The doctors who diagnosed the cancers had reached out to Moslehi when they realized they were seeing something strange happening with the rates of this cancer, she said.

 Moslehi set out to determine if the cases of vitreoretinal cancer represented a "cluster" — in other words, a group of cases that are close together in time and location and occur at higher rates than expected. She presented her findings here today (April 2) at the American Association for Cancer Research's annual meeting. The findings have not been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

 To figure out what could be causing this cluster, the researchers looked for commonalities among the patients, Moslehi said. They noted that eight of the 10 were of Ashkenazi Jewish descent, she said.

 But even more interesting to the researchers was that six of the 10 patients had lived near Chernobyl at the time of the disaster, Moslehi said. Four of the patients had lived in Ukraine, one patient had lived in Poland and one patient had lived in Moldova, according to the case report.

Posted by 大沼安史 at 12:15 午後 |