〔フクイチ・メガ核惨事 7年目の春に〕◇ 台湾・野党の国民党、もし政権党の民進党が(日本政府の圧力に屈して)、日本のフクイチ被曝地からの放射能汚染食品の輸入規制を撤廃すれば、国民投票を提起し、撤回させる意向を表明! / 台湾では有権者の0・5%を超える署名が集まれば、国民投票を発議できるが、国民党はそれを上回る12万人の署名をすでに確保! ★ 「フクイチ放射能汚染食品」が台湾の内政を揺るがす事態になった!
〔★は大沼〕 ◎ フォーカス台湾 KMT vows to challenge Japan food imports with referendum
(6日付け)⇒ http://focustaiwan.tw/news/aipl/201704060017.aspx#.WOhNDdKzEuk.facebook
・ Taipei, April 6 (CNA) Opposition Kuomintang (KMT) Vice Chairman Hau Lung-bin (郝龍斌) said on Thursday he will officially submit a proposal for the holding of a national referendum on food safety if the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration lifts a ban on the import of food products from radiation-affected prefectures in Japan.
The proposal has obtained more than 120,000 signatures, Hau said.
In addition, if the DPP government opens Taiwan's market to ractopamine-containing pork from the United States, the KMT will mobilize the public to protest at customs offices, he said.
Under the Referendum Act, the authorization of a referendum requires that no less than 0.5 percent of the total electorate at the last presidential election sign a petition.
Posted by 大沼安史 at 01:36 午後 | Permalink