〔フクイチ・メガ核惨事 7年目の春に〕◇ 「フクシマで、あるいは日本国内のどんな場所でオリンピック競技を開催しても、フクイチの人類的・環境的危機は消え去らない」/「安倍首相が誘致に成功したことで、『おとり商法(bait and switch)』が始まることになった」/「東京にもホットスポット」 ―― 「東京オリンピック」野球・ソフトの福島開催に対して、国際的なネット反対署名運動が始まる!
★ 3年先のことなのに、このありさま。
〔★は大沼〕 ◎ チェンジ・オルグ No Olympics or Paralympics in Radioactive Fukushima!
⇒ https://www.change.org/p/no-olympics-or-paralympics-in-radioactive-fukushima
・ In a stunning development in 2013, Japan’s Olympic bid was won by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe when he promised the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that "it (Fukushima Daiichi) has never done, and will never do, any damage in Tokyo”. Consequently, the IOC and International Paralympic Committee (IPC) are now left to engage in a dangerous game of bait and switch by using venues not only in Tokyo as originally agreed upon, but also in Fukushima Prefecture, not far from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster site.
・ In a stunning development in 2013, Japan’s Olympic bid was won by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe when he promised the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that "it (Fukushima Daiichi) has never done, and will never do, any damage in Tokyo”. Consequently, the IOC and International Paralympic Committee (IPC) are now left to engage in a dangerous game of bait and switch by using venues not only in Tokyo as originally agreed upon, but also in Fukushima Prefecture, not far from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster site.
Radioactive hotspots have been detected in other areas of Japan including Tokyo. In one case even further south, in Yokohama, a petition on behalf of public schools and childcare facilities is pleading for the removal highly contaminated mud from rainwater recycling tanks, school roofs and gutters.
・ Holding the 2020 Games in Fukushima or in fact anywhere in Japan will not, in reality, make the Fukushima Daiichi humanitarian and environmental crisis go away.
Posted by 大沼安史 at 02:07 午後 | Permalink