« 〔電磁波・放射線照射など、ハイテク犯罪を許さない〕◆ 「ボイスレコーダーで怪声や怪音が記録できる」! ―― ≪ 音声解析までの手順:「インストールマニュアル」他 ≫を公開 | トップページ | 〔米大統領選〕◇ サンダースさん、ワイオミング予備選でも勝利! ヒラリーに7連勝! 「ものすごい勢いを感じることができてうれしい。わたしの心に曇りはない。われわれには勢いがある」 »


〔「原発テロ」で「第2のフクイチ核惨事」が起きれば、この国は亡ぶ!〕◇ 「フクシマは人災だった。テロ対策がとられなければ、次の核惨事も別の意味で人災として起きる」―― 日本の警察庁のテロ対策高官は匿名を条件に打ち明けた! / 「北朝鮮が日本の原発など核施設をマップ化したという信頼できる情報がある」―― 「デイリー・ビースト」が安倍首相が根拠もなく「世界1厳しいセキュリティー」とのたまう日本の原発の防備の脆弱さを国際社会に警告!



 ★ 警察庁高官は特定秘密保護法に触れることを恐れ、匿名で「デイリー・ビースト」東京特派員の質問にこたえた。








 〔★は大沼〕 ◎ Japan Nuclear Plants Are Vulnerable to Terror Attacks(日本の原発はテロ攻撃にもろい): ジェイク・アデルスタイン/マリ・ヤマモト記者
 (7日付け)⇒ http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/04/07/when-will-nuclear-terror-hit-japan.html?via=mobile&source=twitter


 ・ A senior bureaucrat and counter-terrorism expert in Japan’s National Police Agency, who spoke to The Daily Beast on condition of anonymity, citing penalties of up to 10 years in jail if considered to be violating the State Secrets Law, said that the measures in place “are a bad joke.”

 He pointed out that criminal records in Japan, unlike in the United States, are not publicly available, and that power companies do not have the capacity to check individuals for mental illness, drugs, or yakuza connections without the full support of the Japanese government. “Police cannot share information they are not authorized to share,” he explained.

 “Fukushima was labeled ‘a man-made disaster,’” he said. “If real security measures are not taken, the next nuclear disaster in Japan may also be ‘man-made,’ but of an entirely different nature and done with intent to do as much harm as possible.”


 ・ The counter-terror expert noted that not only was ISIS a threat, but Japan had received credible intelligence that North Korea had mapped out Japan’s nuclear facilities as vulnerable targets that could be turned into sitting nuclear bombs. “North Korea could easily infiltrate such facilities with Korean-Japanese workers and blow up the plants, turning them into dirty bombs, or perhaps steal nuclear materials to make such weapons.”


 ・ On Dec. 5, 2014, the Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Agency, which was tasked with creating terrorism countermeasures, made it known that it would not go forward with creating new legislation to legally mandate checking the background of nuclear workers. It presented a report to the Nuclear Regulatory Authority—the top of the nuclear regulatory chain of command

 ・ In March 2015, at a speech in Fukushima, he said, “Everyone in the world says, ‘Japan is the weakest in facing nuclear terrorism.’ If something like what happened at the World Trade Center occurred in Japan it would be the end of nuclear power. There’s no explanation of why [Prime Minister Abe says] Japan’s nuclear safety is the best in the world. And he still wants to restart the reactors. I’m just dumbfounded.”

Posted by 大沼安史 at 05:36 午後 |