〔地球温暖(暑熱)化で臨海原発が危ない〕◆ 米国の海岸線に立地する、すくなくとも4ヵ所の原発、2050年までに高潮の激化で危機に陥る恐れ! ほかの9ヵ所(軽13ヵ所)の原発も、海面上昇で(稼働終了後)、水没の可能性 ◇ すでに2012年時点で、海温上昇で取水できず、運転停止に追い込まれる「現実的な危機」も発生! ★ 臨海原発だらけの日本も、廃炉後を見通すなど長期的な視野で対策を採るべきだ! 先送りは(ここでも)許されない!
★ 「ナショナル・ジオグラフィック」誌が、「パリCOP21」を受けて、地球温暖化にともなう高潮の激化、海面上昇で、米国の臨海原発がどこまで耐えられるか、検証レポート!
海面上昇ではなくハリケーン(台風)などのよる高潮(storm surge )の激化による、フクイチ型の水没被害も想定されている。
★ これは同誌のレポートで遅まきながら知ったことだが、コネチカット州のミルストーン原発で、地球温暖化のインパクトをもろに食らい、運転停止に追い込まれたことがあった。
★ フクイチ廃炉も、海面上昇など地球温暖化に伴う環境変化を想定したものでなければならない。
〔★は大沼〕 ◎ 「ナショナル・ジオグラフィック」誌 As Sea Levels Rise, Are Coastal Nuclear Plants Ready?
⇒ http://news.nationalgeographic.com/energy/2015/12/151215-as-sea-levels-rise-are-coastal-nuclear-plants-ready/#.VnO1CFJyraw.twitter
・ A more recent analysis from the Union of Concerned Scientists found that at least four nuclear plants are vulnerable to storm surges by 2050.
・ Just east of the Homestead-Miami Speedway, off Florida's Biscayne Bay, two nuclear reactors churn out enough electricity to power nearly a million homes. The Turkey Point plant is licensed to continue doing so until at least 2032.
At some point after that, if you believe the direst government projections, a good part of the low-lying site could be underwater. So could at least 13 other U.S. nuclear plants, as the world’s seas continue to rise. (See maps below.)
・ Both the industry and the NRC argue that there is ample time to address the long-term effects of sea level rise. Take the Turkey Point plant, which looks so watery in NOAA's six-foot-rise scenario. NRC spokesman Scott Burnell says the plant's reactors, safety systems, and electric switchyard would still be dry, "so the plant would remain safe."
Turkey Point’s operator, Florida Power and Light, says the plant is protected to 20 feet above sea level. In fact, it’s pursuing plans to add two more reactors to the site.
・ The more immediate concern from climate change, says Dominion spokesperson Ken Holt, is the water near Millstone getting too warm. One of its units had to shut down temporarily in 2012, because its intake from the Niantic Bay exceeded 75 degrees. It's a problem that has affected other plants, too.
◎ ニューヨーク・タイムズ Heat Shuts Down a Coastal Reactor
(2012年8月13日付け)⇒ http://green.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/08/13/heat-shuts-down-a-coastal-reactor/?_r=0
・ Under the reactor’s safety rules, the cooling water can be no higher than 75 degrees. On Sunday afternoon, the water’s temperature soared to 76.7 degrees, prompting the operator, Dominion Power, to order the shutdown of the 880-megawatt reactor.
Posted by 大沼安史 at 05:02 午後 | Permalink