〔原発テロ惨事の恐怖〕◆ ジャパン・タイムズ(JT)が日本の原発のテロ攻撃の脆さを指摘 ◇ ≪ 鋼鉄製の格納容器の厚さは、たったの約3センチ 外側のコンクリート・レイヤーもとても厚くはない≫と原子力調査資料室の伴英幸さんが警告 ⇒ そこで、JTが、原子力規制委と東電に、「原発に航空機が突っ込むテロが起きても大丈夫か?」と問い合わせると…………どちらもコメントを拒否!
★ 規制委、東電は、どうして、ちゃんと答えないのだろう?
〔★は大沼〕 ◎ ジャパン・タイムズ Nuclear power plants feared vulnerable to terrorist groups
(20日付け)⇒ http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/12/20/national/nuclear-power-plants-feared-vulnerable-terrorist-groups/#.VnesuJVukqQ
・ For his part, Hideyuki Ban, with the Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center, said Japan should not reactivate more reactors, arguing none are designed to withstand suicidal attacks with large planes like the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington in 2001.
“The steel plate of the primary containment vessel is only about 3 cm, and the outside concrete layer is not very thick,” Ban pointed out.
“A large airplane would burst right through a containment vessel if it was directly hit.”
The Japan Times asked the NRA and Tokyo Electric Power Co. to comment on Ban’s comments, but both declined.
Posted by 大沼安史 at 04:59 午後 | Permalink