〔ニューヨーク インディアン・ポイント原発2号機 制御棒作動電源喪失事故〕◆ 天井ファンのショートで10本の制御棒を抑えていた磁石への電流がストップ、炉心へ飛び出す! / 2010年9月にも外部電源喪失事故 復旧 「放射能漏れなし」も、廃炉の声、強まる! / 同原発至近で「天然ガスガス・パイプライン」敷設計画 ! 「大惨事、連鎖の恐れ」
★ 磁石が電源喪失で磁力を失い、制御棒が炉心へ刺さり込んだそうだ!
★ それでも電力会社は運転を続ける気だ。
〔★は大沼〕 ◎ CBSニュース Opponents Call For Closure Of Indian Point Plant After Latest Incident
December 7, 2015 12:39 PM ⇒ http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2015/12/07/indian-point-plant-shutdown-power-loss/
・ “At 40-years-old Indian Point is just too dangerous, too old and near too many people,” Hudson Riverkeeper Paul Gallay said.
Indian Point reactors 2 and 3 are up for relicensing. The two reactors supply about one-fourth of the power for New York City and Westchester County.
Entergy said they are safe.
“Indian Point receives the top safety ratings from the independent inspectors at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission,” Nappi said.
But Gov. Andrew Cuomo believes the risk is simply too great and has called for closing down the plant.
◎ ザ・ジャーナル・ニュース Malfunctioning fan caused Indian Pt. 2 shutdown(アキコ・マツダ記者)
(7日付け)⇒ Malfunctioning fan caused Indian Pt. 2 shutdown
・ Control rods, which are held in place by powered magnets, are designed to adjust the power level of the fuel inside the reactor. When a malfunctioning roof fan caused a short circuit, the magnets lost power, and control rods were released into the reactor. Per practice, the reactor was manually shut down by the operators, Nappi said.
◎ CBSニュース No Power From Indian Point Plant After Leak, Shutdown
September 10, 2010 1:38 PM ⇒ http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2010/09/10/no-power-from-indian-point-plant-after-leak-shutdown/
・ The Indian Point nuclear power station was entirely off the grid Friday after a non-radioactive leak forced operators to close the only reactor that ……
◎ パンプライン問題 アルジャジーラ NYers fear gas pipeline near nuclear reactor could spell disaster
December 3, 2015 5:00AM ET ⇒ http://america.aljazeera.com/multimedia/2015/12/ny-pipeline-near-nuclear-reactor-sparks-new-fears.html
・ The pipeline will run within several dozen feet of electrical infrastructure necessary to operate Indian Point, an aging nuclear plant on the Hudson River. Residents worry that if the pipeline were to rupture, it could trigger a chain of events that might end in a nuclear meltdown, devastating their communities and turning New York City into a radioactive evacuation zone.
◎ 本ブログ 第一報 ⇒ http://onuma.cocolog-nifty.com/blog1/2015/12/post-92df.html
Posted by 大沼安史 at 05:14 午後 | Permalink