〔日印原子力協定〕◆ 「(落ち目で)どうしようもなくなった日本の安倍首相がインドに来た!(Desperate Japanese PM Shinzo Abe Visiting India )」 ―― ◆ 日本は「落伍馬(also-ran)」、アベノミクスであまりにもひどいダメージ ◆ フクイチで米軍にもウソを言い、洋上被曝させた! ◆ インド核兵器増産を促す原子力協定で、日本国民も裏切る! ――「インド・グリーンピース」のアヌジ・ワンケーデ(Anuj Wankhede)さんが安倍首相の訪印を厳しく非難!
★ 日本の大新聞は、購読料消費税8%据え置きをねらってアベノパシリを続けるのではなく、このワンケーデさんのような「インド側からの視点」も、きちんと報じるべきだ!
◆ 日本はすでに「落伍馬」の群れになかに消えた。アベノミクスであまりにも多くのダメージ。日本のおだやかな日々は遠い昔の記憶に。
◆ 日本がインドにすり寄っているのであって、その逆ではない。
・ It is Shinzo Abe and Japan who need India – not the other way round.
・ Japan is today a pale shadow of what it was during the second half of the twentieth century. It is economically, technologically, strategically, geo-politically nowhere near where it once ranked.
◆ 日本はインドの核兵器増産のゴーサインを出したようなものだ。安倍政権はインドと原子力協定を結んだことで、日本国民を背中から刺し、裏切った。
◆ フクシマは東電のあらゆるウソにも被曝した。安倍政権は何もせず、破産しかけた東電を救った。日本国民の税金が廃炉に使われるが、何兆かかるかわからない。
◆ 3・11後、日本政府と東電は米軍にウソを言い、米艦船を放射能下で活動させた。
〔★は大沼〕 ◎ Anti Nuclear and Environmental Movements in India / Desperate Japanese PM Shinzo Abe visiting Delhi
(12日付け) ⇒ http://anmindia.blogspot.jp/
◎ Countercurrents.org 転載(14日付け) ⇒ http://www.countercurrents.org/wankhede141215.htm
・ Fukushima of course exposed all the lies told by TEPCO. They were not only blatant lies which tried to brush off earlier acts of severe omissions and commissions but TEPCO continued to lie with a straight face all throw-out the unfolding disaster. All that TEPCO did was this statement from its President: "I regret the fact we are inconveniencing all these people, I want to take this opportunity to apologize." Just another apology and TEPCO was scot free.
Abe and his government have done nothing about it and have in fact bailed out the bankrupt company besides releasing thousands of tons of toxic radioactive waste and water into the Pacific ocean. There is no clear direction on how and when the radioactive debris will be cleared or how long decontamination and decommissioning work will take or how many trillions it will cost the Japanese taxpayers.
・ Abe is too busy with his disastrous Abenomics, getting the Olympic games to Tokyo besides inciting South Asia towards a military race which have nuclear war implications.
・ While India has consistently maintained that its nuclear program is purely civilian, most of the world (and tacitly, India too) admits that the Indian nuclear program is quasi civil and military. In such a scenario, Japan is giving India a thumbs-up to go ahead with its program to build more nuclear arms. This is not only unethical, but also goes against the wishes of all peace loving Japanese people who have been clamoring for a halt of all nuclear arsenals around the world. Abe and his government are back stabbing its own citizenry by agreeing to a nuclear deal with India in whatever form it finally emerges.
・ Following the Fukushima disaster of 2011, the Japanese government and TEPCO lied to the US military about pollution from Fukushima that US ships sailed to the most polluted waters and air to help Japan.
・ India should not fall into this trap and sign any nuclear deals with Japan as these deals have a very long time frame and will give Japanese government leverage to push India into making more infrastructure and defense purchases from Japan.
・ The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) last month imposed penalties on Hitachi following a three-year probe into allegations of “sanctionable practices” in a power station boiler works contract. The penalties follow a September Foreign Corrupt Practices Act charge against Hitachi by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), of the US, for inaccurately recording “improper payments to South Africa’s ruling political party in connection with contracts to build two multi-billion dollar power plants”. Hitachi agreed to pay $19-million to settle the SEC charges.
The AfDB investigation was carried out against two Hitachi subsidiaries: Hitachi Power Europe (HPE), based in Germany, and Hitachi Power Africa (HPA). HPA was controversially associated with the African National Congress’s Chancellor House and disappeared in early 2014 when Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Africa was formally launched, following the merger of the thermal power units of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Hitachi.
★ 以下のようなことがあったことを、ワンケーデさんの記事で、はじめて知った!
◎ 関連 Yahooニュース 日立が米SECと和解-南ア与党の関連企業への支払いめぐり
(2015年9月29日付け) ⇒ http://news.yahoo.co.jp/pickup/6175876
・ 日立製作所が南アフリカ共和国で2つの発電所建設に関連する契約を獲得するため同国与党に「不適切な支払い」を行ったとされる問題で、同社は1900万ドル(22億8000万円)を支払うことで米証券取引委員会(SEC)と和解した。
◎ 関連 朝日新聞デジタル 米SEC、日立を訴追 南ア与党に不適切支出か
(9月29日付け)⇒ http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASH9Y231WH9YUHBI004.html
Posted by 大沼安史 at 05:14 午後 | Permalink