〔アベノ不可逆・歴史除染 「日韓“従軍慰安婦”合意」問題〕◆ 岸田外相は合同記者会見で「責任を痛烈に感じる(acutely feels responsible)」と言った――と、米国の国営放送、「VOA(アメリカの声)」は報じた! ★ 責任は「感じて」も、責任を「取る(take)」とは言わなかった!
★ サムネイル写真はVOA掲載(安倍首相訪米に抗議するキム・ウン・オクさん)。鮮明なものは以下の記事リンクをクリック。
◎ Japan, South Korea Agree to ‘Comfort Women’ Settlement
VOA ⇒ http://www.voanews.com/content/south-korea-japan-reach-deal-on-comfort-women/3121155.html
・ "The comfort women issue is an issue whereby many women under the then-military's involvement bore deep scars to their honor and dignity, and from this perspective, the Japanese government acutely feels responsible," said Japanese Foreign Minister Kishida at a joint news conference.
Posted by 大沼安史 at 10:59 午前 | Permalink