〔TPP大西洋版、TTIP(環太西洋協定)交渉をつぶせ!〕◆ ベルリンで10日、数十万(25万人)の巨大抗議デモ EUと米政府間で進められるTTIP交渉に対し、過去最大の反撃デモが行われる! 欧州市民、グローバル「大企業」の僕に! 気候変動など環境悪化にも危機感! ★ TPPの二の舞はごめんだと、ヨーロッパ民衆は危機意識を強めている。日本のわたしたちは国会で欧州の人たちと連帯し、「TPP批准」を阻止し、「アベノ壊国」策謀を葬り去らなければならない!
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★ 「TTIP反対」の盛り上がりのなかで、安倍政権は「TPP批准」へ進むことになる!
★ 日本の国会前に、シールズの若者たちとともに、フクシマのこどもたちが、全国各地の農家の人たちが総結集する日も近い!
〔★は大沼〕 ◎ コモンドリームズ Hundreds of Thousands March in Berlin Against TTIP Trade Deal / 300万人以上がEUにオンライン反対署名!
(11日付け)⇒ http://www.commondreams.org/news/2015/10/10/hundreds-thousands-march-berlin-against-ttip-trade-deal
・ Over three million people who have signed an online petition calling on the European commission to abandon the deal.
◎ 英紙ガーディアン Berlin anti-TTIP trade deal protest attracts hundreds of thousands
(10日付け)⇒ http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/10/berlin-anti-ttip-trade-deal-rally-hundreds-thousands-protesters
・ Hundreds of thousands of people marched in Berlin on Saturday to oppose a planned free trade deal between the European Union and the United States that is claimed to be anti-democratic and to threaten food safety and environmental standards.
The environmental groups, charities and opposition parties that organised the protest claimed 250,000 people took part, while a police spokesman said 100,000 attended. Smaller protests were also held in other cities, including Amsterdam, with a rally due to be held in London on Saturday night at which shadow chancellor John McDonnell is scheduled to speak.
Posted by 大沼安史 at 07:29 午後 | Permalink