〔アメリカ核地獄 セントルイス郊外 放射性廃棄物投棄地に隣接する一般廃棄物埋設地の地下火災の炎、迫る!〕◆ 300m(1000フィート)まで接近 「マンハッタン計画」由来のものも含む、ウラニウム処理廃棄物(不法投棄)に着火すれば、セントルイス空港周辺の住宅密集地が「放射能プルーム」に襲われ、被曝・汚染被害が広がる恐れ!
★ ウラニウム処理で出た廃棄物が、セントルイス郊外に不法投棄されていた!
★ フクイチ後、日本政府は放射性ガレキを列島各地で焼却処分するという、とんでもないことをやってのけた。
〔★は大沼〕 ◎ AP通信 Disaster plan developed in case fire reaches nuclear waste
(6日付け)⇒ http://news.yahoo.com/disaster-plan-developed-case-fire-reaches-nuclear-waste-191256557.html
・ ST. LOUIS (AP) — Beneath the surface of a St. Louis-area landfill lurk two things that should never meet: a slow-burning fire and a cache of Cold War-era nuclear waste, separated by no more than 1,200 feet.
Government officials have quietly adopted an emergency plan in case the smoldering embers ever reach the waste, a potentially "catastrophic event" that could send up a plume of radioactive smoke over a densely populated area near the city's main airport.
Although the fire at Bridgeton Landfill has been burning since at least 2010, the plan for a worst-case scenario was developed only a year ago and never publicized until this week, when St. Louis radio station KMOX first obtained a copy.
・ Directly next to Bridgeton Landfill is West Lake Landfill, also owned by Republic Services. The West Lake facility was contaminated with radioactive waste from uranium processing by a St. Louis company known as Mallinckrodt Chemical. The waste was illegally dumped in 1973 and includes material that dates back to the Manhattan Project, which created the first atomic bomb in the 1940s.
Posted by 大沼安史 at 05:01 午後 | Permalink