〔フクイチ核惨事 フレコンバッグ除染廃棄物 台風による大雨で流出 被曝地を再汚染〕◆ アーニー・グンダーセンさんが台風18号での流出被害を指摘し、汚染されていない地域までも再汚染する「二次被曝」の脅威に警鐘! 10万か所に3000万袋も! ◆ おしどりマコ・ケンさんも「DAYS JAPAN」で、飯館村での439袋流出を現地取材でレポート! 高濃度汚染土壌も破損、流される!
★ 除染廃棄物を詰め込む放射能ゴミ袋(フレコンバッグ)の耐用年数は5年(3年のもあるらしい)だそうだが、草が生えて来ているのもあり、いつまで持つのか心配だ。
★ おしどりレポートによると、環境省はどうやら「公共工事等での再生利用」も検討しているらしい!
★ グンダーセンさんの警告に戻ると、福島県内は、その90%が未除染区域だという。
〔★は大沼〕 ◎ フェアウィンズ / Nuclear Power: Who is Looking out for the Public?
(18日付け)⇒ http://www.fairewinds.org/nuclear-energy-education//nuclear-power-who-is-looking-out-for-the-public
・ And the problem is that – well, they just had this huge typhoon over there called Etau – E-t-a-u, I think – Etau. And they were on record as saying that our power plant had a leak. One of the pumps didn’t work and some water – radioactive water entered the Pacific. And they’ve been collecting garbage bags full of radioactive soil. And right now, there’s something on the order of 30 million garbage bags in about 100,000 locations throughout Fukushima where people have gone out and collected radioactive soil and put it into garbage bags. And about 300 of those washed out during the storm as well. That’s all Tokyo Electric is focusing on. But they haven’t cleaned up 90 percent of the state, the Prefecture of Fukushima. And this colossal rain that they’ve had has washed all of that down into the villages that were previously clean, and then down into the streams and back out into the Pacific. So they have the press focused on these little problems at Fukushima; meanwhile, the entire state of Fukushima Prefecture is leaking like a sieve and nobody is doing anything about it.
◎ 「DAYS JAPAN」11月号 / ●コラム 編集委員「おしどりマコ・ケンの実際どうなの!?」豪雨で除染廃棄物が流出!? 水に浸かったフレコンバッグ
Posted by 大沼安史 at 04:20 午後 | Permalink