〔アベノ政治を「ゴミだし」しよう!〕◆ 次期アメリカ〔初の社会主義者〕大統領、バーニー・サンダース上院議員が、「大学の学費無料化(Make college free for all)」を、ワシントン・ポストへの寄稿文で「公約」!
★ ワシントン・ポストへの寄稿だ!
★ 米国では第2次大戦後、GIビルという「学費バウチャー=学費券」が発行され、戦地帰りの若者たちに、それをもって、どっと大学に入学して学んだ。
★ デンマークもフィンランドも、世界の福祉先進国は、大学の学費は無料!
〔★は大沼〕 ◎ WP Make college free for all
(22日付け) ⇒ https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/bernie-sanders-america-needs-free-college-now/2015/10/22/a3d05512-7685-11e5-bc80-9091021aeb69_story.html
・ It may seem hard to believe, but there was a time when higher education was pretty close to free in this country, at least for many Americans. After World War II, the GI Bill gave free education to more than 2 million veterans, many of whom would otherwise never have been able to go to college.
・ In Finland, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Mexico, public colleges and universities remain tuition-free. They’re free throughout Germany, too, and not just for Germans or Europeans but to international citizens as well. That’s why every year, more than 4,600 students leave the United States and enroll in German universities.
◎ 関連 コモンドリームズ 'New Era of American Prosperity': Sanders Calls for Free Higher Ed for All
(22日付け)⇒ http://www.commondreams.org/news/2015/10/22/new-era-american-prosperity-sanders-calls-free-higher-ed-all
Posted by 大沼安史 at 07:45 午前 | Permalink