[トモダチ水兵 対東電・洋上被曝集団訴訟 実質審理開始へ]★ 米サンディエゴ連邦地裁の女性判事、ジャニス・サマルチーノ裁判官は、東電の「政治問題なので裁判所は口をはさめない」主張を一蹴していた! / 米海軍が原告たちを現場に派遣したことが、被曝の原因ではない! 「各国の支援活動が予見されているのだから、米海軍が[現場海域に]登場することも当然、予見された」/ 原告の、東電の怠慢が被曝を招いたとの主張は、訴えとしては十分なものであると、裁判所として管轄権の行使を宣言!
★は大沼 ◎ Law360 : Tepco Can't Escape Sailors' $1B Fukushima Suit (東電は水兵たちの10億ドルフクシマ訴訟から逃げることはできない)
⇒ http://www.law360.com/environmental/articles/591323
・ U.S. District Judge Janis L. Sammartino rejected Tepco’s argument that the plaintiffs’ claims are barred by the political question doctrine, which holds that that the court cannot rule on fundamentally political questions. The judge ruled that the plaintiffs' second amended complaint sufficiently alleged that Tepco’s negligence — not the Navy’s decision to send them to the area around the power plant to provide humanitarian relief after a tsunami — caused their injuries.
“It is foreseeable that as a result of an improperly designed and maintained nuclear plant, people present in the vicinity would be adversely affected by radiation," the judge wrote. “Likewise, the Navy’s presence in this scenario was foreseeable. In the aftermath of a natural disaster, it is foreseeable that foreign military and aid-workers would be among those in the vicinity.”
Posted by 大沼安史 at 07:34 午後 | Permalink