〔米軍準機関紙「星条旗」紙が警告報道〕 ◆ 「六ヶ所村核施設」 テロ攻撃に対する兵器・防衛態勢、「たしかに、ほとんど、なし(Almost certainly not)」 / 丸裸同然の日本のプルトニム防衛態勢について米当局者が懸念を表明
★ 安倍政権は国外での「戦争ごっこ」の前に、国内の核施設――「六ヶ所」「もんじゅ」「原発」などの防衛態勢を強化すべきではないか?!
★ 「スターズ&ストライプス」紙の報道によれば、米政府は「9・11」後、国内の核施設の武装部隊を60%増強している。
★は大沼 ◎ Is Japan’s new nuclear facility secure enough?
(2014年3月12日付け) ⇒ http://www.stripes.com/news/pacific/is-japan-s-new-nuclear-facility-secure-enough-1.272465
* “Do they have the weapons and defensive systems that we have at nuclear facilities? Almost certainly not,” the senior administration official said. “History so far hasn’t proven them wrong. But you have to ask, what level of risk are you willing to accept?”
* During a recent tour of the Rokkasho plant, an elderly guard in a blue uniform and white gloves bowed as he checked the passports of special guests. Inside the huge complex, a blue van sat near the plant’s small police post.
None of the private security guards is armed. If Rokkasho’s modest forces face overwhelming odds, officials say, they are trained to withdraw and call for help, a routine that U.S. officials have said they find alarming.
Posted by 大沼安史 at 09:00 午前 | Permalink