〔あじさいメモ〕 なぜ水は燃えるのか? それは量子が交響しているからこそ――メイワン・ホー女史が仮説を提示
◎ 「水は燃える! 塩を加え、高周波をあてれば!」⇒ http://onuma.cocolog-nifty.com/blog1/2014/04/john-kanzius-d6.html
One possible explanation for the phenomenon of burning water, I suggest, is that the protons as hydronium ions hovering just outside the CD〔coherence domain〕could be resonating to the RF frequency trapped by the CD, thereby becoming attracted to the CD surface to combine with the almost-free electrons to form hydogen gas, and in the process, triggering the simultaneous evolution of oxygen.
The requirement for NaCl is unclear. NaCl is expected to inonize into Na+ and Cl- when dissolbed in water.
Ions increase the electrical conductivity of water, and are also known to affect water structure.
Burning water is just a particularly dramatic oxidation of water that is at the heart of life om Earth, and quantum coherent water is what makes it possible.
★ Mae-Wan Ho 著、 Living Rainbow H2O、57頁より