〔フクイチ洋上被曝〕 「フクイチ放射能雲(プルーム)」の「最初の直撃」を浴びたのは、(周辺地域社会の陸上被被曝者以外では)付近海域にいた米空母「ロナルド・レーガン」の米兵らだった!/ テンプル大学ジャパンのカイル・クリーブランド准教授が検証結果を明らかに / ★ 東電はメルトダウンをひた隠しにし、まるで奇襲攻撃のように、近海にいた「ロナルド・レーガン」に死の灰を浴びせかけていた!?
★ クリーブランドさんはまた、「デモクラシーNOW」のインタビューに対し、当時、フクイチから50マイル(80キロ)の海域に、日本の海上自衛隊の旗艦(自衛艦)がいて、その旗艦に着艦した米軍ヘリが警戒レベルを超える放射線量を観測したことも明らかにしている。
* Keep in mind, in the first week or so of the crisis, at least the first four or five days, the wind was blowing out to sea, and aside from these inland communities very close to the reactor, the first people that were hit by this plume were the U.S. military.
* Well, what they were—the readings that they were getting, these were coming from helicopters that were flying relief missions for the tsunami effort. They had landed on a Japanese command ship that was about 50 miles away from the plant, and the measurements that they were getting clearly alarmed them. These were readings much higher than they expected.
Posted by 大沼安史 at 09:33 午前 | Permalink