<電磁波ニュース> 米のメーン州議会、全米初 「携帯電話」に安全な利用法を知らせるラベル貼付義務法案を可決 他の4州が同様の規制に踏み切ったとき(あるいはメーン州知事が拒否権を発動しなければ)、発効! ★ アンドリア・ボランド下院議員の提案が21対14の圧倒的賛成多数で可決された! 携帯電話の電磁波の危険性に警鐘を鳴らす、画期的な議員立法!
★は大沼 ◎ SBWire ⇒ http://www.sbwire.com/press-releases/maine-cell-phone-bill-passes-senate-in-landslide-vote-21-to-14-478648.htm
This Tues. morning of 3/18/2014, Maine passed the US's first ever cell phone warning label bill at the state level, urging cell phone customers to check their manuals for safer cell phone use.
The bill brought by Rep. Andrea Boland (D) Maine, passed by a 21 to 14 majority vote in the senate this morning, despite incredible odds against industry opposition. The bill and has a 4 state trigger, meaning if 4 other states pass cell phone/warning label bills, Maine’s law automatically goes into effect.