<電磁波ノート> マイクロ波兵器、「見えない兵器」として、1950年代に使用開始 ……最初は囚人、精神病入院患者、反体制派で、パルス照射の効果を確認……こどもや妊婦など25のカテゴリー別照射実験へ移行 照射対象者に知らせず、秘密裏に実験を続行 / 英軍で電磁波兵器開発にあたった英国人物理学者のバリー・トロワーさんがインタビューで明らかに! ④ / 60年の開発の歴史! 「いまや信じられないほど精巧なものに」!
★ わたしは、こうした軍事テクノロジーの一部が、「冷戦」終了後、米国などで「民間」に流出、それが日本でも悪用されているのではないか、と見ている。
★は大沼 ◎ 2013年10月、米オレゴン州ポートランドでのインタビュー ユーチューブ
⇒ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JojdEH0nzos
◎ インタビューの文字起こし(英文)⇒ http://www.stopthecrime.net/Deborah%20Tavares%20Interview%20with%20Barrie%20Trower.pdf
〔インタビューアーの「何か付け加えることありませんか」(Would you would like to add anything to that?)に対して〕
Only that microwaves from the 50’s were used as a stealth weapon as they still are today, only they’re obviously much, much more sophisticated.
The 50’s was really a trial time where different countries were just using people who had no choice, prisoners, psychiatric patients, dissidents, and they would just beam people with this and see how long it takes this pulse frequency to have any effect.
And if it does, we try a different type of group.
There were 25 different categories of people including children and pregnant women. Twenty-five different categories, and so from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s we’ve been developing microwave weapons right up to today and they are incredibly sophisticated today.
So if any government says that microwaves have no effect on you, the question is then why have you been spending billions upon billions of dollars with the military for the last sixty years improving them?
What I cannot go along with is the fact that 25 categories of persons without their choice and in many cases without their knowledge, are being experimented upon with these particular frequencies to cause all of this. That iswrong.