〔ENEニュース〕 フクイチ ことし6月に1~3号機 トータルで 「毎時1000万ベクレル」の放射性セシウムを放出 最大放出源の2号機は毎時800万ベクレル! ……ただし、この「放出量」はあくまで東電の「発表」で信用できるものではない/◇ フクイチを「封印」しないと、この先、ずっと「フクイチ核火山」の「死の噴煙」が襲い続ける! 封じ込めのためにも、独立査察による現場検証が必要だ!
◇ 毎時1000万 → 毎日2億4000万ベクレルが「風下」を襲い続けている、この過酷な現実!
◎ ソース 英文朝日 24日付け After 500 days, Fukushima No. 1 plant still not out of the woods
→ http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201207240087
According to calculations by Tokyo Electric Power Co., the operator of the Fukushima No. 1 plant, a total of about 10 million becquerels per hour of radioactive cesium was being emitted from the No. 1 to No. 3 reactors as of June.
since February, the level of radiation emitted from the reactors has remained unchanged.
“There is the possibility that the cesium that fell on the reactor buildings was stirred up again,” said Junichi Matsumoto, acting general director of TEPCO’s Nuclear Power and Plant Siting Division.
The most radiation is being emitted from the No. 2 reactor, which is releasing 8 million becquerels an hour. The radiation is believed to be leaking from a hole that was made in the wall of the top floor of the reactor building.
Posted by 大沼安史 at 08:07 午前 | Permalink