〔フクシマ・NEWS〕 カナダ紙に現場の上級エンジニアが匿名で証言 「キリのない作業」「再爆発、起こりうる」
エンジニアは言った。「キリがないんだ、キリがないんだ。終わりっこない(“It’s endless, endless. The task will never end.” )」
Those working inside the plant provide little reason for optimism. “It’s endless, endless. The task will never end,” said a senior nuclear engineer who spends six hours a day, five days a week supervising the effort to make sure the reactor cores that partially melted down in March remain immersed in cooling water.
Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the nuclear worker said he wouldn’t risk having his own family join him in Hirono. “No matter how much they say it’s safe, as long as the soil contamination exists, I could not bring my relatives here.” And, he added, there remains the possibility of another explosion “if someone is careless or the cooling facility stops.”
Posted by 大沼安史 at 12:57 午後 | Permalink