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〔フクシマ・NEWS〕 東電の武藤副社長と「ダイイチ」の吉田所長 「ベント」開始をめぐって「怒鳴り合い」 吉田所長 即時ベント開始 求める ニューヨーク・タイムズが報道

 前記ニューヨーク・タイムズによると、日本政府の関係筋(単数)は、「ベント」をめぐって東電の武藤副社長と、ダイイチの吉田所長の間で、怒鳴り合い(shouting match)があったことを明らかにした。




 The government became rattled enough that it ordered Tokyo Electric to begin venting. But even then, Tokyo Electric’s executives continued to deliberate, according to a person close to government efforts to bring the reactors under control. The exchanges became so heated, the person said, that the company’s nuclear chief, Vice President Sakae Muto, and the stricken plant’s director, Masao Yoshida, engaged in a “shouting match” — a rarity in reserved Japan.

Mr. Yoshida wanted to vent as soon as possible, but Mr. Muto was skeptical whether venting would work, the person said, requesting anonymity because he is still an adviser to the government and is not permitted to comment publicly. “There was hesitation, arguments and sheer confusion over what to do,” he said.

The executives did not give the order to begin venting until Saturday — more than 17 hours after the tsunami struck and 6 hours after the government order to vent.

Posted by 大沼安史 at 11:34 午前 |


この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 〔フクシマ・NEWS〕 東電の武藤副社長と「ダイイチ」の吉田所長 「ベント」開始をめぐって「怒鳴り合い」 吉田所長 即時ベント開始 求める ニューヨーク・タイムズが報道: