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〔重要NEWS〕 Hiroshima and the Art of Outrage 大江健三郎氏がニューヨーク・タイムズに寄稿

 作家の大江健三郎氏がニューヨーク・タイムズ(電子版)に寄稿した。題して Hiroshima and the Art of Outrage(ヒロシマと怒りの作法)。
  ⇒ http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/06/opinion/06oe.html?_r=1&hp

     時事通信⇒ http://www.jiji.com/jc/c?g=soc_30&k=2010080600652


  And what about the bombing victims who will fill the venue? Wouldn’t they feel a sense of outrage if they were told that it’s their moral responsibility, as citizens of the only atom-bombed country, to choose to live under the protection of a nuclear umbrella, and that wanting to discard that umbrella in favor of freedom is, conversely, an abdication of responsibility?

 (拙訳)(6日に)そしてヒロシマの慰霊会場を埋めることになるだろう被爆者たちについては、どういうことになるだろう? もしも被爆者たちが、唯一の被爆国の市民として、「核の傘」の保護に生きることを選ぶのが、その道徳的な責任だと言われて、彼らは激しい怒りを覚えない、とでも言うのか? また自由を求めて核の傘を捨て去りたいと願うことは、責任の放棄になってしまうのか?



  As for me, on the day last week when I learned about the revival of the nuclear-umbrella ideology, I looked at myself sitting alone in my study in the dead of night . . . . . . and what I saw was an aged, powerless human being, motionless under the weight of this great outrage, just feeling the peculiarly concentrated tension, as if doing so (while doing nothing) were an art form in itself. And for that old Japanese man, perhaps sitting there alone in silent protest will be his own “late work.”



Posted by 大沼安史 at 06:47 午後 |


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